The Canine Junkie
Come and Play the Day Away!
Socialize, Play, Enrich, Explore, Thrive!

Denise Sillett
After working/volunteering with dog rescue organizations for the past 25+ years, I have decided to create my own space to offer a safe and enriching environment for small dogs. Since I have two small dogs of my own who are not great with bigger dogs, I have created my own space for them to acre of play space on a five acre piece of land. I offer loads of enrichment, confidence building activities, brain games, scent work opportunities, practice appropriate doggy social skills and on occasion off site field trips to the beach or forest. I have even been known to take dogs out paddle boarding which is such a great experience for a dog.
I prefer to have outdoor space for dogs to play and socialize. I feel the outdoors offer a much quieter where everyone has plenty of personal space to take when needed, space to release zoomies, amazing smells and sounds of nature, sights of birds and the occasional deer and endless fresh air. BUT of course, on the cold and blustery days, we take it to the indoors where they will still have potty breaks outside and still have interactive brain game time which also helps reduce unwanted behavior such as barking, destruction and just flatout boredom.
I am not your typical boarding facility. For those who frequent my daycare and are comfortable with my pack, which includes my beloved cat Jack, they are welcome to attend sleep overs. Dogs are never crated unless the owner is crate training (I will be consistent with training at my place) or the pup is most comfortable it a crate. They are free to roam my home as though they live here, I want dogs to feel as comfortable as possible while their people are away. And to help ease minds of owners, I send plenty of photos and video of their beloved canine.
I have gotten my love for dogs
and all animals from my Mother.